It’s no surprise that there are a lot of myths about how to get pregnant. It can be difficult for women (especially if they’ve struggled in the past) to know what is true and what isn’t when it comes to getting pregnant, so I’m debunking 10 of the most common myths! 

Myth 1. You can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding

While breastfeeding does delay ovulation, it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. Ovulation occurs between 6-12 weeks after your baby’s birth, so you should start using birth control from when you’re about 6 weeks postpartum to be safe.

Myth 2. Having an orgasm during sex increases your chances of getting pregnant

This isn’t true either because only the egg makes its way down to the uterus after ovulation- so having an orgasm won’t help with implantation or getting pregnant.

Myth 3. If you’re over the age of 35, your chances of getting pregnant are slim-to-none

While fertility does decline as you get older, this is a myth that just won’t go away! Your chances of getting pregnant depend on what your and your partner’s medical history is like and there are plenty of women over the age of 35 who will testify to successful pregnancies.

Myth 4. You can’t get pregnant if you have sex during your period

It definitely isn’t the best time to try for a baby, but it is possible to get pregnant at any point in your cycle. However, there are ‘fertile days’ in each cycle when conception is more likely, so it’s best not to risk it too close to menstruation!

Myth 5. The timing of when you get pregnant is determined by luck and not planning 

There is a lot of advice out there about the best time to try for a baby, but much of it comes from old wives’ tales! You can track ovulation or play it by ear and plan for sex around that time. Either way, you don’t have as much luck as you think.

Myth 6. You should wait at least six months before trying again after a miscarriage or stillbirth

After an early miscarriage, there is no medical reason to wait before trying for a baby. Doctors recommend waiting two periods before getting pregnant again after a late miscarriage or stillbirth/fetal demise.

Myth 7) Drinking alcohol doesn’t affect your chances of getting pregnant

In reality drinking too much alcohol can cause birth defects or miscarriage , so you should stay away from alcohol in general while trying to conceive.

Myth 8) Most couples who want children should try for three years before seeking medical help-

there are plenty of medical reasons to seek help earlier than three years, so talk to your doctor if you’re concerned.

Myth 9) It’s impossible to get pregnant during your period

While this can be true, it’s possible that ovulation occurred earlier than you thought so sperm could have been present in the days leading up to menstruation (and beyond).

Myth 10: If you lose weight, your chances of getting pregnant increase

This isn’t true- losing weight won’t change your fertility status and doesn’t affect men’s sperm count or motility either. Losing weight is great for overall health though but it isn’t linked to becoming pregnant. 

As you can see, there are a lot of fertility myths out there! If you’ve been trying to conceive and it hasn’t worked, don’t get discouraged. Many couples struggle to get pregnant and some will require medical assistance in order to do so.

Hormones are a powerful thing. The female reproductive system is based on them, and without them, we would not be able to get pregnant or go through pregnancy successfully. But what does your hormone levels mean? What do they say about you? And more importantly, how can you use this information to make the best decisions for yourself?

In this article, we will go through three things: what hormones are, how to use a hormone testing kit, and what your results mean.  

First we need to know what hormones are. Hormones are chemical messengers that work in the body to perform all kinds of tasks, from helping your body digest food, to growing new tissue, and especially reproduction. The reproductive system has many types of hormones that regulate fertility or pregnancy. The three most important ones are estrogen, progesterone, and luteinizing hormone (LH).

Before we get into how to read these levels using a saliva test kit , it is important to have some knowledge about the menstrual cycle so the hormone data makes sense. A woman’s ovarian cycle averages 28 days long with an average range of 24-32 days between periods*.

There are two phases in this cycle: follicular phase where estrogen is building up, and luteal phase where estrogen levels drop down to keep the lining of the uterus healthy for pregnancy. Ovulation happens in the middle of this cycle when estrogen reaches its highest level. A fertilized egg will only implant itself into the uterus if it recognizes that estrogen levels are high enough.

If there is no pregnancy, progesterone levels increase after ovulation to get ready for the next cycle, but during this time before menstruation, another hormone called LH triggers an egg release (ovulation). A woman continues to produce these hormones every month whether she gets pregnant or not. 

So why do some women have more hormonal problems than others? Hormones are produced by glands or by cells in your body which need certain nutrients to manufacture the hormones correctly. If a woman is deficient in vitamins and/or minerals, or eats a diet high in estrogen-like chemicals called xenoestrogens, then it can disrupt hormonal production because your body cannot produce enough of the correct hormones needed for fertility and pregnancy.

Here are some key points to keep in mind as you use hormone testing as a tool: 

1) During ovulation, estrogen levels will rise above 200 pg/ml. Anything above this level is considered an indicator that you have been successful with ovulation. 

2) LH levels will surge during ovulation, reaching its highest point between 36 hours before menstruation starts. A surge above 10 mIU/ml is also indicative of being able to successfully ovulate. LH levels will remain elevated for the first 2 weeks of the cycle. Anything above this level is considered an indicator that you have been successful with ovulation. 

3) Progesterone levels in the blood after ovulation must be between 1 and 5 ng/ml to be at a normal level where pregnancy can occur, if conditions are right (see below). And progesterone in saliva should ideally also be between 1 and 5 ng/ml when you are trying to conceive . If the level is low, it usually means implantation did not happen. High levels indicate lack of implantation or estrogen dominance (too much estrogen relative to progesterone).

If your fertility hormones are out of balance, there may be an underlying cause. If there are hormonal problems, it’s important to find the reason for them so they can be corrected and so you are able to get pregnant. One of those reasons is usually a nutritional deficiency such as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids (EFAs), amino acids (the building blocks of protein), or antioxidants which detoxify your cells.

Every woman’s body is different and every woman responds differently to her environment, but we all have one thing in common: we need nutrients to survive and reproduce! So remember the 3 keys: 

1) Estrogen levels must be over 200 pg/ml on day 12-14 of your cycle if you want to ovulate successfully; LH should reach 10 mIU/ml in the presence of estrogen and progesterone should reach 1-5 ng/ml to support implantation. 

2) After ovulation, progesterone should remain between 1 and 5 ng/ml to maintain a pregnancy (levels over 30 ng/ml reduce the ability to get pregnant). 

3) LH levels must be 10 mIU/ml before menstruation begins if you want to increase your chances of getting pregnant. You can also test your saliva for progesterone on day 21 after ovulation and it needs to stay at 1-5 ng/ml for a successful implantation.

A saliva fertility test is an easy way for women who don’t have regular menstrual cycles or those who suffer from PCOS or perimenopause (when menstruation starts to become irregular) to monitor their fertility status. 

If you are trying to get pregnant, it is very helpful if you can identify whether or not ovulation occurred before menstruation begins because this will indicate whether your hormones are in balance enough for implantation, which is the process that leads to pregnancy. 

A common question women have is how to increase their fertility and become pregnant. A doctor can prescribe you medication, but many of these drugs come with side effects and long-term risks. The good news is that there are simple changes you can make in your life to boost your chances of conception, such as following a healthy diet for fertility. This blog post will look at the five food groups every woman should be eating (or avoiding) if they want to conceive naturally.

This blog post features information about the five foods that every woman needs or should avoid when trying to get pregnant. It discusses what each category entails and offers helpful tips on how best to incorporate them into your daily life so you can put yourself on the right path towards conception.

The fertility food pyramid is a simple guide for diet and nutrition that every woman should follow if they want to increase their chances of becoming pregnant. Every tier in the fertility food pyramid has a special meaning and purpose when it comes to getting pregnant, so pay close attention as we break down each one below.

1 Tier: green vegetables 

2 Tiers: red meat 

3 Tiers: poultry/fish/eggs 

4 Tiers: whole grains 

5 Tiers: fruits/nuts/dairy products/sweeteners 

Just by following this general guideline you will be well on your way to having a healthy baby! If you have any questions about how to eat for fertility or what foods you specifically need to eat, consult your doctor for personalized advice.

With so many factors determining fertility and conception , it can be easy to get overwhelmed. But the truth of the matter is that by getting a few simple aspects of your life in order such as ovarian health and egg production, you will drastically increase your chances of conceiving. Eating a certain way can also help ensure that you have plenty of healthy eggs and ovulate each month.

Fertility is about more than just diet: exercise habits and stress levels should be taken into account as well! Exercise and mental wellbeing contribute heavily to one’s chance of conception , so make sure you are taking care of yourself if pregnancy is something you want soon!

Now that we’ve gone over what each tier of the food pyramid entails, let’s take a look at some specific examples for each category.

Green Vegetables: Spinach, kale, arugula, collard greens, lettuces (like romaine), asparagus , broccoli 

Red Meat: meat on the bone (legumes and ribs), fatty cuts of beef 

Poultry/Fish/Eggs: chicken thighs with the skin still on them , salmon fillet , whole eggs 

Whole Grains: amaranth flour , crickets , oats cooked overnight in water or apple juice , quinoa 

Fruits & Nuts: avocado pears , berries like blackberries and strawberries , cashews 

Dairy products & Sweeteners: goat cheese, skim or low-fat cow’s milk, Truvia (no more than two packets a day)

Eating the right kinds of foods can drastically increase your chances of becoming pregnant and give you a healthy pregnancy and baby. If you need assistance with figuring out how to best eat for fertility, consult your doctor .

Every woman who is trying to conceive should conduct themselves in a manor that puts them in control of their fertility. That means if they are not ready for children yet, they should be using birth control to avoid unplanned pregnancies. Furthermore, it’s important that women who do want to conceive wait until their body is ready. This will allow them to have the healthiest possible embryo , which has a better chance of making it to full term if it is created from a healthy egg and has parents who provide the proper nutrients.

To summarize, the fertility food pyramid focuses on providing pregnant bodies with all of the key nutrients they need. If you eat a balanced diet for fertility you will be well on your way to having a healthy baby once you conceive! Learn more about how to eat for fertility here 

Infertility is a difficult and challenging journey for any couple to go through. While there are many treatments available, all of them come with their own set of challenges and side effects. The most important thing you can do is find the right person to help guide you through this process.Infertility is a difficult and challenging journey for any couple to go through. While there are many treatments available, all of them come with their own set of challenges and side effects. The most important thing you can do is find the right person to help guide you through this process. 

Functional medicine is a personalized system of healthcare that deals with the underlying causes of disease. Functional medicine practitioners look at everything from genetics and environmental influences, to diet and lifestyle choices, in order to get to the root of an issue. Functional medicine looks not only at what keeps you sick, but also what’s keeping you well. Functional medicine practitioners are trained to look for things like inflammation or hormone imbalances (like those related to fertility), which may not be picked up on standard medical tests. Functional medicine helps restore balance in your body so it can heal itself – naturally. If you are trying to become pregnant, then having a functional medicine practitioner take into consideration all factors that may affect fertility is one of the best ways to achieve success (and alleviate the stress that often comes with fertility treatments). Functional medicine practitioners are also well versed in lifestyle changes that can make a difference, including diet and nutrition. Functional medicine is not only limited to fertility problems; it can help you achieve better health for life!

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to getting pregnant (or living life, for that matter). Functional medicine helps you figure out what works best specifically for *you*. Functional medicine takes into consideration many factors instead of just focusing on one organ or system in the body. That means if you’re trying to get pregnant, having a functional medicine practitioner assess your overall health would be beneficial because they will look at which systems could be causing issues related to fertility. Functional medicine looks at the whole body, not just one symptom or diagnosis. Functional medicine also takes into consideration how all parts of your lifestyle affect you as a whole person – including diet and exercise. Functional medicine can help you find out what strategies will work best for *your* body (and mind) specifically, bringing you one step closer to achieving your goal of getting pregnant.

Functional medicine practitioners are well-versed in the latest research behind female infertility because they take into account factors like hormonal imbalances. While conventional doctors might only run tests on hormone levels like FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone etc., functional medicine practitioners look at patterns found within the lab results that point toward potential causes for infertility. Functional medicine practitioners also go beyond just prescribing medication or recommending surgery to address the problem of infertility – they try to get to the root cause so all issues can be addressed and resolved. Functional medicine is a holistic, personal system of healthcare that gives you the best opportunity for achieving your goal of getting pregnant and living a healthy life (and it couldn’t hurt that you also become more in touch with *your* body too!)

If you want guidance on how to achieve your goal of becoming pregnant, functional medicine is one path toward success. Functional medicine isn’t about treating one symptom or diagnosis; it takes into consideration many factors (including genetics) before making recommendations for improvement. Functional medicine allows you to take control over your fertility so you can achieve a healthy pregnancy and live a happy, fulfilling life. Functional medicine doesn’t just help bring you one step closer to getting pregnant – it helps you take steps toward making your whole body healthier from the inside out!

When you’re trying to have a baby, seeing a functional medicine practitioner for treatment is one of the best ways to conceive naturally. Functional medicine practitioners are trained in looking at all aspects that may affect fertility as well as lifestyle choices that could make a difference. Functional medicine also takes into account genetic factors and hormone imbalances – factors which conventional doctors might miss on standard testing – so functional medicine gets to the root of the problem faster. Functional medicine isn’t about one symptom or diagnosis – it’s about treating the whole person as a complex system. Functional medicine practitioners help you get to the bottom of your health issues, bringing you one step closer to achieving your goal of getting pregnant and living a healthy life!

In addition to working with functional medicine practitioners, there are many lifestyle choices that can enhance fertility – from diet and exercise to how much stress you have in your life. Functional medicine helps identify what strategies will work best for *you* so you can live a healthier life and achieve your dream of becoming pregnant. Functional medicine is more than just treating infertility – functional medicine allows you take control over your fertility so everything else in life becomes easier too! Functional medicine isn’t just about helping you conceive – it’s about helping you live a healthier, happier life!

Pregnancy can be an intimidating process for most women. Functional medicine helps take the guesswork out of it by evaluating your current health and lifestyle choices to create personalized recommendations that will help you reach your fertility goals. Functional medicine focuses on what needs to change internally in order to improve your chances of pregnancy naturally (it doesn’t hurt that taking steps toward better health will make you feel more confident too!). Functional medicine is beyond just treating infertility – Functional Medicine is all about making life easier for you in every way possible!

Becoming pregnant can seem like a daunting task when you don’t know where to start. Functional medicine makes the journey less complicated by combining internal changes with nutrition, diet and exercise to aid your fertility journey. Functional medicine practitioners are trained in looking at all aspects that may affect fertility as well as lifestyle choices that could make a difference. Functional medicine helps get the ball rolling by bringing changes to your internal environment so everything else becomes easier too! Functional medicine gives you the best possible chance of achieving your dream of an easy, healthy pregnancy so you can live a happy, fulfilling life!

Looking for guidance on how to achieve your goal of becoming pregnant? Functional medicine is one path toward success. Functional medicine isn’t about treating one symptom or diagnosis; it takes into consideration many factors (including genetics) before making recommendations for improvement. Functional medicine allows you to take control over your fertility so you can live a healthier, happier life! Functional medicine is more than just treating infertility – Functional Medicine is all about making life easier for you in every way possible!

Functional medicine isn’t just about helping you conceive – Functional Medicine is all about making life easier for you in every way possible!

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting journeys you can take. It’s a time where your body will be going through major changes, and you’ll have to make some big decisions. So how do you get ready for this journey?   Here are 5 ways to help get your body ready for pregnancy.

1. Start eating a healthy diet, including plenty of protein and vegetables

You know you should eat more fruits and veggies than junk food, but did you know that the most nutritious time to start eating healthier is when you’re trying to conceive? That’s right! Pregnancy preparation starts with making sure you’re nourishing your body with the foods it needs. Prenatal vitamins can help ensure that you get all of the important nutrients, but they aren’t an excuse to eat junk food.

2. Get enough sleep every night to help your body recover from the day’s activities

We’ve all heard that getting enough sleep is important, but did you know that sleep is just as critical for pregnancy preparation? Pregnancy can zap energy levels and create discomfort in your back and joints. Getting quality rest at night will help prepare your body for this transformation. Try taking a nap during the day if possible. If not, try going to bed about 30 minutes earlier than normal so your body can get used to shutting down early.

3. Exercise regularly – at least 30 minutes each day for five days a week

If you’re like most women, you spend the majority of your life avoiding exercise so that you can enjoy eating more! Pregnancy preparation is the perfect time to get in shape and strengthen your body. Even if it’s just gentle movement, like walking or yoga, exercise will help reduce stress and clear away toxins that could build up during pregnancy. And don’t worry about becoming too muscular; this doesn’t happen with pregnancy!   Here are some ways that you can stay fit while pregnant .

4. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and avoid constipation or dehydration

Water is essential for every cell in our body for controlling our temperature, carrying nutrients to our cells, eliminating toxins, and maintaining the right balance of vitamins and minerals. Pregnancy preparation is no different! Drink plenty of water or other healthy liquids – at least 8 glasses a day for proper hydration.

5. Reduce stress as much as possible by taking time for yourself and engaging in relaxing activities like reading, painting, or meditation

Pregnancy is one of the most stressful times in a woman’s life. Not only are you preparing your body for childbirth, you’re also dealing with morning sickness, fatigue, labor pains… Just thinking about it can cause some anxiety! But pregnancy preparation is not just about getting physically ready – it’s also about being mentally prepared . Pregnancy brings on many new responsibilities that could create some stress, so try to find ways to take some time for yourself each day. Meditation, yoga, or drinking tea are all great ways to relax. Pregnancy is an exciting journey that requires a lot of preparation – not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too! Keeping these 5 tips in mind can help you get ready for this important step in your life.

By following these 5 steps, your body will be ready to get pregnant and bring a new life into the world. Pregnancy is one of the most exciting journeys you can take. It’s a time where your body will be going through major changes, and you’ll have to make some big decisions

There are many ways to get pregnant, but there is no guarantee. This blog post will explore the mind-body connection in fertility and what you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant. 

It’s not uncommon for couples trying to conceive to experience stress, anxiety, or even depression when they don’t seem able to make it happen. However, these emotions can have a direct impact on how fertile you are. It’s important that if at any point you’re feeling stressed out about conceiving that you talk with your partner and doctors about it so they can help ease some of the pressure off of yourself. 

There are also things that may be impacting your fertility other than just mental health issues like smoking or drinking alcohol which could be harmful for the baby. If you’re trying to get pregnant and are not having any luck it is important to talk with your doctor about what you can do together to help increase your chances of conceiving. 

Here we will explore some of the ways that stress impacts fertility along with what you can do to manage that stress and improve your chances of conceiving.

1. What is the mind-body connection?

The mind-body connection refers to how our mental health impacts our physical health. There are different ways that the mind-body connection works, but in this case we’ll be focusing on how stress can impact your fertility and ultimately your ability to conceive. Stress isn’t only impacting your chances of conceiving, but also implantation and your pregnancy after you have conceived.

2. How does stress impact fertility?

When you are stressed out the hypothalamus gland located in your brain sends signals to all of the other glands that help create cortisol. This is a hormone necessary for energy production. Unfortunately, when there is too much cortisol in your body then it signals the adrenal glands to release another hormone called pregnenolone. Pregnenolone is actually converted into progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen which causes you to have more trouble conceiving as well as a lower chance of implantation. This is because those hormones aren’t necessary when you’re stressed out, but are necessary for fertility. So you can see how stressed out you might be, this process actually prevents you from getting pregnant as well as making it difficult to maintain a growing pregnancy once you have conceived.

3. How can I reduce my stress levels to improve fertility?

This is an important question because stress and anxiety impact your body in many different negative ways. Not only is it important for your fertility, but also for your health as a whole to help reduce those stress levels. There are many things you can do from making lifestyle changes to taking certain supplements that may make a difference in how stressed out you are on a day-to-day basis. Here we’ll explore some different options you can try to reduce your stress levels and manage anxiety.

A) What can I do to reduce my stress levels everyday?

One of the biggest ways that couples struggle with conceiving is because they don’t feel like they have much control over their fertility or getting pregnant. It’s important when trying to conceive to make changes in your life to help manage your stress levels every day. These are some of the most important things you can do in order to reduce your stress and anxiety daily.

Combine exercise, meditation, and relaxation into your everyday life

Exercise is one of the best ways to ease stress naturally because it releases endorphins which are necessary for happiness. This doesn’t mean that you need to exercise for hours, but instead by alternating between different types of exercises like cardio and weight training will give your body the energy it’s looking for while easing stress at the same time.

Meditation is one of those things that people often push aside, but it can really help bring your cortisol levels down. There are a number of different types of meditations you can try in order to see which work best for you. Many people find guided meditation particularly helpful when they are trying to manage stress and anxiety levels.

Relaxation is a vital part of reducing your stress levels because it’s important that you take time for yourself each day to do something that you enjoy. This is particularly important when you are trying to conceive because it can help reduce stress levels, but also boost your fertility. Relaxing gives your body the time it needs to heal which allows you to be healthy and feel good each day.

B) What supplements can help me reduce my stress?

There are some different supplements on the market that can help you reduce the amount of stress and anxiety you feel each day. These supplements are different because they contain specific ingredients that can help to decrease your cortisol levels which will ultimately improve your chances of conceiving as well as maintaining a pregnancy once you have conceived.

 There are some different types of supplements that can help relieve stress, but here are a few of the most common ones that have been shown to have some effect on how much stress you feel throughout the day.

Ashwagandha is one of those supplements that people find particularly helpful when they’re trying to reduce their anxiety levels. This is because it helps to balance out your cortisol levels by helping you to reduce the amount of stress you feel each day which results in an increase in your fertility.

Ginseng is another natural supplement that can help with anxiety and stress levels because it’s been shown to balance out cortisol levels in the body. This allows for improved fertility when combined with other supplements like ashwagandha.

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins to take when trying to reduce stress in your life because it impacts your body in so many different ways. This includes supporting the production of hormones like cortisol which is essential for fertility and can improve both egg quality and sperm count when you are trying to conceive.

C) What are some foods I should be eating to reduce my stress?

There are certain types of foods that can help you reduce your cortisol levels which will ultimately decrease the amount of stress you feel each day. If you’re looking for specific ways to eat in order to improve your fertility then these are some of the best things you can incorporate into your diet.

 Fruits and vegetables are a great way to improve your fertility because they help you to reduce cortisol levels. Many people find that this is particularly helpful when they have high stress jobs because cortisol impacts egg quality as well as sperm count which can both impact how difficult it will be for you to conceive.

 Whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats are some of the best foods to include in your diet when you’re trying to manage stress levels because they help to balance out cortisol levels by keeping it lower during stressful situations.

  There are a number of different things that can affect how much stress you feel each day, but one important thing is taking good care of yourself. By making sure you are eating the right foods, drinking enough water, exercising regularly, and getting your sleep each night you can improve both your stress levels as well as your fertility.

  Another good way to reduce stress in your life is by exercising on a regular basis. This helps to give your body time away from dealing with the stressors of life which allows it to recover. That doesn’t mean that you have to go out and run a marathon, but rather find something that is challenging enough for your body to make physical activity part of your daily routine.

  Finding something you enjoy doing each day can be difficult when you’re feeling stressed or anxious, but sometimes all it takes is one good experience to make exercise part of your lifestyle. Whether you enjoy taking a walk before dinner, going for a bike ride after work, or playing a sport with your friends each week there is something out there that will help you reduce stress in life while improving fertility at the same time.

There are many things in life that can cause anxiety and stress when you’re trying to conceive, but the most important thing is finding a way to manage it. These supplements and lifestyle changes can help in that process by making sure your stress levels stay low and ultimately improve your fertility in the process.

As always, check with your doctor before starting any new supplements or changing anything in your daily routine if you are trying to conceive.

Are you looking for ways to increase fertility naturally? Fertility is a delicate and complex process that can be influenced by many factors. There are many things you can do to improve your chances, such as improving the quality of your diet or reducing stress. As with all aspects of health, it’s important to talk to a doctor before making any major changes.

Steps to Increase Fertility Naturally

There are many things you can do to improve your chances of being able to conceive. Here are 7 ways that have been proven to work for people who are trying to increase fertility naturally.

1) Eat a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is one of the most important steps you can take when trying to increase fertility naturally. It’s not just what you eat, but how much you eat, because being overweight or obese can have an effect on your ability to get pregnant. Also, processed foods often contain high amounts of sugar and salt- two things that shouldn’t be in anything related to pregnancy anyway! Your body needs good nutrients for developing eggs and sperm, so it’s best if they come from whole foods.

2) Drink Plenty of Water

Not only is water essential for staying hydrated, but it’s also necessary for your body to get rid of toxins and waste products. Certain reproductive processes are chemical in nature, which means they’re affected by the presence of toxins in the system. Increase fertility naturally by drinking plenty of water every day- 8 glasses a day is recommended!

3) Exercise Regularly

Exercise releases endorphins that enhance mood, reduces stress levels, and improve blood flow throughout the body- all things that help with fertility. Increase fertility naturally by incorporating some kind of exercise into your daily routine- whether you go for a walk after dinner or attend an aerobics class at the gym. The important thing is to find something you enjoy and will stick with it!

4) Take Supplements to Increase Fertility Naturally

There is a time and a place for prescription medications, but increasing fertility naturally isn’t one of them. Increase fertility by taking supplements that have been proven to work, such as folic acid. These can help bolster natural processes related to conception so you don’t need any outside influence aside from your own body! Increase fertility with the addition of supplements.

5) Keep Your Bedroom Cool and Dark

Try sleeping on your left side too- this position makes blood flow easier and may help you get pregnant quicker. Increase fertility naturally by trying some simple changes in your bedroom environment, such as your room cooler than normal at night. Increase fertility by making some simple changes to how you sleep, as well as what you do when you wake up.

7) Avoid Wearing Tight Clothing or Anything that Restricts Blood Flow to the Uterus Area

 Increase fertility naturally by following these steps, which may be helpful even if you’re not actively trying to get pregnant- they’re just good for overall health! Increase fertility with a few easy lifestyle changes.

8) Schedule a Free Initial Consultation 

Increase fertility naturally and come talk with a doctor about all of your options before trying anything else. Increase fertility quickly and easily by going into it thoughtfully- this means meeting with a qualified doctor who knows their stuff.

If you’ve been struggling with infertility, take action today and schedule a free initial consultation. Increase fertility naturally and effortlessly when you take this step! Start a new path in your journey with an appointment at Fertile Ground MD. Click here to schedule.