Millions of people around the world struggle to have a baby, and it can be crippling both emotionally and financially. With this in mind, we’ve compiled 8 steps that will help you overcome infertility. Included are methods for overcoming depression from the stress of trying to conceive as well as some helpful tips on how to deal with your partner’s emotions too. These steps will hopefully lead you down a path towards conceiving or at least an easier journey through becoming parents! Take a look below: 

Step 1: Understand the difference between infertility and sterility

Although you may think that they’re similar, there’s a significant difference between these two terms: 

– Infertility refers to an inability of a couple to get pregnant even after trying for 12 months or more (or six if either partner is over the age of 35) whereas 

– Sterility refers to someone who has never been able to conceive in their life due any medical reasons, which could be down to genetics too. This means that it cannot be cured but does not mean that this person will remain sterile forever! If you feel like your fertility fits into this category then make sure you speak with your doctor about what treatments are available. However… step one is talking to your doctor!

Step 2: Find a doctor you trust 

If there is one thing that can make or break the journey through infertility then it’s finding a good doctor (or team of doctors). This person will be responsible for determining if they think you are infertile and what treatments should be recommended to help overcome this. Therefore, it’s important to find someone you feel comfortable with as well as who has an extensive amount of knowledge about fertility treatment; after all, he/she must know more than yourself right? If not… step two is speaking with other couples!

Step 3: Get informed about your options – there’s no one-size fits all solution 

As many people try different methods in order to conceive once they’ve been diagnosed as infertile, it’s important to try and know the pros and cons of each possible treatment. Furthermore, you should consider how long your fertility journey will take and whether or not this is something that you’re able to commit yourself too. The journey may seem daunting but there are many steps that can be taken in order to overcome infertility once a couple has decided they really want kids! This includes: 

– Surgery – although this won’t directly help with getting pregnant necessarily (unless the surgery was required due an injury), some people find success through having their blocked fallopian tubes removed which allows them more time for IVF etc…

– Medication – if the above route fails then medication may be suggested by doctors who will prescribe hormones in order to help stimulate ovulation. This will also increase the chance of multiple births if it’s successful (which is why some people opt for this over surgery).

– In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) – probably one of the most well known treatments, IVF involves taking medication that stimulates your ovaries and then having eggs harvested from them; these are fertilised with sperm outside of your body before being transferred back into you where they hope to develop! 

– Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or Artificial Insemination (AIH): IUI is similar to IVF except instead of putting all fertilised embryos directly inside you, doctors put them inside a syringe which means they can be inserted directly into your uterus. AIH is similar to IUI but instead of using a syringe, doctors will use an artificial vagina and tube system in order for the sperm to reach their destination! 

– In Vitro Maturation (IVM) – this treatment involves taking eggs from women who have been deemed infertile due to lack of egg production and maturing them outside the body before fertilisation; they then hope that these embryos develop as well as possible inside you after IVF.  

Step 4: Speak to other infertile couples for support

There’s nothing like hearing personal stories from people who have been through the same thing you’re going through! This means that it’s always a good idea to speak with other couples who are experiencing infertility. Remember, everyone is different so what works for one person may not work for another but this can still be very beneficial as they will often suggest techniques or treatments that worked well for them which could potentially help you too!

Step 5: Be open minded about treatments that may not have been covered in medical school or discussed with doctors during training, such as acupuncture, acupressure, hypnotherapy, yoga therapy and more

With all of these new technologies coming out each year there has never really been an excuse for any treatment becoming obsolete… nor has there ever really been much need because they all seem to work in some capacity! This means that it’s always a good idea to explore every possible method with your doctor before deciding whether or not they will help you.

Step 6: Don’t forget to take care of yourself physically and emotionally – find time for exercise and meditation

It can feel like the whole world is turning against you when trying conceive but remember, this isn’t life threatening so there are still lots of other things going on out there which should be taking priority over getting pregnant… at least right now anyway! It may sound silly but finding time for physical activities such as yoga, swimming etc… could do wonders for both your fertility journey AND mental health too; try setting up small achievable goals first if needed though because stress is so easy to accumulate when you’re going through something like this!

Step 7: Talk to people about how you feel you don’t keep bottling it up 

Sometimes it’s really hard for us to be open and talk about our feelings because we want to protect ourselves from judgement; however, in the case of infertility there is no reason why anyone should judge your choice or decision here since they will never know what it feels like… unless of course they’ve been down that road before themselves (if not then please don’t try and pretend either!). This means that speaking out can help answer questions such as whether or not life still goes on even though nothing seems possible at all right now. You may also find yourself surrounded by a wealth of support too which could make such a difference in the long run!

Step 8: Don’t compare yourself to others who are having children, because everyone has their own journey and it’s not a race…

 it’s a marathon!